

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Don't Be Anxious

One of the wise slogans of AA and Al-Anon is "One day at a time." Sometimes life's problems can be overwhelming, but God only asks us to live 24-hours at a time. When we worry about tomorrow, it accomplishes absolutely nothing. Worry can't add to the length of life; it can't change it's course; it can't solve one single problem. Jesus asked, "Will all your worries add a single moment to your life?" (Matthew 6:27)

Anxiety and fretting just show our lack of trust in the Lord. In effect, it's saying, "I don't believe God is big enough to handle my problem."

In Exodus 16, God told the children of Israel, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you." The people were instructed to go out each day and gather enough Manna for just that day's needs..." (except for the sixth day, when they gathered double for the Sabbath). The manna signified how God took care of them with each new sunrise.

I wish I could wake up each morning and pick up only the burdens I am asked to carry for the next 24 hours! If only I could leave tomorrow's burdens and yesterday's regrets in God's hands.

I will try to remember that worry does not empty tomorrow of its trials, it simply empties today of its joy.

Heavenly Father, help me to trust in you for all my needs today. Show me how to live in the present, each and every moment. If I am afraid, help me to turn my fears over to your loving care.

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