

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Straight Paths

The other day, I was headed down a busy 6-lane street on my way to the post office. All of a sudden, my heart jumped as a mother duck started crossing the street with about 15 little babies dutifully tagging behind her. I saw that they made it safely to the center divider, but I was a wreck with worry. I quickly dropped off my letters and did a U-turn. As I pulled up to the light, there she was, retreating back from the direction she had started from. What was she thinking? Thank goodness traffic stopped for her!

I know that mother duck was doing her best, but she couldn’t foresee all the dangers that were waiting just beyond that center divider. Lucky for her, there were some sympathetic drivers on the road that morning.

Each day, we are like those wobbly baby ducks, following our Heavenly Father on the path He sets before us. Thankfully, He knows not only where we are going today, but He also knows what will happen tomorrow. No matter how scary it may seem, we can always be confident that He will lead us in the right direction.

Today I will go where He leads, trusting Him to supply courage, confidence, and resources at the right moment.

“I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.” (Proverbs 4:11)

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