

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Green Eyed Monster

cov·et (k v t)
v. cov·et·ed, cov·et·ing, cov·ets
1. To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's). See Synonyms at envy.
2. To wish for longingly.

The Bible is clear. God says we are not to covet. The green-eyed monster of envy is our enemy. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's..."(Exodus 20:17)

Some things are easy to pass up.  I doubt many of us have lately coveted anyone's maidservants, donkeys or oxen.  However, we do covet each others' homes, jewelry, cars, clothes, furnishings, electronics, vacations, skinny waists, spouses, well-behaved kids, and everything else under the sun. The minute we see a commercial, we want it! It's what keeps our economy going. Advertisers bank on it.

Is there really that much harm in desiring other people's possessions or apparent health, or relationships? Actually, yes, there is. Basically envy, jealousy (coveting) is flat out saying to God: "Hey, I don't like what you've given me! I want what they have." When my kids were younger, we had one cereal bowl that had a small chip on the side. Every day that bowl would end up on the table, and sure enough, the kids would fight over who got the broken bowl. Why? Because the one who didn't have it thought they wanted it. The one who got it flaunted it. It was the stupidest thing ever. Finally, I had to throw it away.

When I see myself start to covet, I think. "Do I sound like my silly kids? Am I really that unhappy with what I have?"

I have to be especially careful of things that make my covet-hungering worse. Like HGTV, for example. When I start watching house-hunters, or even worse, house-hungers international, I start to resent the fact that some people get to buy gigantic, beautiful homes - sometimes in exotic places. It's not fair!  Why do they get a 6000 square foot house in the Virgin Islands? Meanwhile, I'm still just stumbling along in my 1700 square foot fixer upper.

The green-eyed monster doesn't stop at houses either. I covet other people's figures, tight butts, lack of wrinkles, etc. I covet other people's relationships all the time. The other day I was actually momentarily envious when I found out a good friend is going to become a grandma. Everyone I know is a grandma. When's my turn? I want the broken bowl...I want...I want...I want...

Today I will turn my coveting into praise. Lord, I am thankful for what I have. I will turn my heart towards you and be thankful for the abundance of things you've given me. Even if I don't have the broken bowl.

1 comment:

  1. "house-HUNGERS international"? Was that I Freudian slip? I am watching that right now for reals! Yes, I am coveting. You are exactly right. Guess I should turn it off and go do my bible study and be grateful for my good friend and this post : )
