

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Gus and Girly

We've all heard the idiom, "She (or he) has a face only a mother could love." Well, sometimes that's putting it mildly. My friend's pug, Girly, has that type of face. She's so ugly she's cute. I mean, just look at her! This photo doesn't show her toothless smile, and how her tongue hangs out of her mouth.This poor old girl was adopted a year ago after being sorely neglected. Thankfully, she's since been showered with attention, love and lots of nurturing. Despite her seemingly sad facial expression, deep down, she's actually quite happy and content. 

Recently, she had to have some surgery that ran up my friend's Visa bill. Even though it was a steep financial sacrifice, my animal-loving friend willingly took the bullet for her silly-faced little dog.

Girly's brother, Gus, is also very lucky to be part of the family. Apparently, the shelter warned any potential new owner that Gus could be a bit of a brat.  He might get cranky or even nip, they'd said. But after my friend met Gus, she kept thinking about him. So much so that she actually went back and adopted him - despite the warnings. Turns out he's been a pretty good little dog, but she didn't know it would all turn out that way. 

My friend's loving heart towards her dogs is so amazingly unconditional. When I think about Gus and Girly, it makes me think of God's unconditional God's love for us. Romans 5:8 says, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." (NLT) While we were still sinners -  what amazing words! God sent Jesus Christ to die for you and me. Why? Certainly not because we are or ever can be good enough. Heaven's no. He did it just because he loves us. Whenever I start to question God's love for me, I have to read this verse repeatedly until it sinks in. I'm just so amazed that he knows all my flaws, my issues, my cranky, selfish moments (or hours, or days, or longer), my fears and my mountains of insecurities, and he said, "I want to adopt you into my family."

Unbelievable! The God of the universe  wanted to adopt me - and YOU - knowing every unappealing thing about us.  And what do we have to do to earn this love? Not one thing! Ephesians 2:8 tells us, " For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God." 

Thank you, Lord, for your unconditional love.  You accept us just like Gus and Girly. Flaws and ugly faces and all.