

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Faith Of A Child

"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3)

Yesterday a friend of mine said something very profound. She said, "If we all truly believed that Jesus loved us, we wouldn't have any worries or stress." Is it really that simple? The answer is yes. It is. The simple faith of a child - that's what God wants us to have. Like the children's song: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so..."

If we truly believed Jesus loves us, we wouldn't worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow. We would know that he will take care of us, equip us and strengthen us in everything life throws our way (because "He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power at work within us" - Ephesians 4:20). If we truly believed he loved us, we wouldn't be weighed down trying to carry our own burdens or spinning out on all our problems. We would know that he will carry our burdens for us and work things out as he sees fit ("cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" - 1 Peter 5:7). If we truly believed he loves us, we wouldn't compare ourselves to other people and come up feeling cheated. We would accept what he has given us (including our looks, intelligence, personality, gifts, talents, etc) knowing he gave us those specific qualities for a reason.
We wouldn't question his “no's” when he doesn't give us things we ask for, whether it's a job or a relationship or better looks or a winning lottery ticket. If we truly believed he loved us, we would be completely content in his love, and not feel compelled to strive for acceptance by endlessly doing things for him. Instead, we would obediently do things he asks us to do - because we are overflowing with gratitude that he’s come to save us and give us a meaningful life (he said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" - John 10:10). If we truly believed he loved us, we wouldn't be searching for happiness in things like hobbies, or clothes, or food, or cars, or people, or more stuff for our house. Those things are well and good, but they will never make us eternally happy. 

If we really believed the words of that children's song, we would find joy in knowing that God not only loves us, he knows the number of hairs on our heads! (Matthew 10:30). We would trust him so much that we would whole-heartily jump into his arms like a little child diving off a bed into a parent's outstretched arms. Yes, it’s that simple. Unfortunately, we are such block heads that we have to be reminded of his unconditional love every day. Yet, even in our spiritual Alzheimer’s, he loves us anyway. Imagine that.