Noise. It's all around us. The other day, I was waiting at a traffic light and the car next to me had their stereo blaring. Not only was it loud, it was offensive. The rap music erupted with expletives. Worse yet, the car had one of those giant subwoofers that sound like an airplane engine - bomb, bomb, bomb - I could literally feel my car shaking. But what could I do? I couldn't get away from it.
I turned up my own radio as high as it would go, which was tuned into a Christian music station. I tried to go to my happy place in my head and just ride it out. Eventually, the light changed, and I let the noisy car get as far away from me as possible. Thank goodness! Speaking of quieting outside noise, one of the most useful gifts my husband has given me over the years is a set of Bose headphones. I use them at work to drown out co-worker's banter, at home to drown out the blaring baseball game, and on airplanes to drown out crying babies. They are awesome!
But what happens when the noise is in our own head? When our thoughts are swirling with fear, doubt, resentment, confusion, worry, or anger. What can we do? The only way to drown out the noise is to turn up the God volume. Get our minds back on Him. Get in the Word. Pray. Journal. Turn on Christian music. Breathe. Take a walk or call a friend who will encourage us to talk to God about it.
Recently a friend confessed that she was struggling with negative noise in her head. "I'm trying to take my thoughts captive," she admitted. It's so hard, though. That's why we need God's truths to take up residence in our minds. His truths help us to pack up our own noisy thoughts and move them OUT. If we do that, God promises that He will give us His peace. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil 4:7).