

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thou Shalt Not Grumble


intransitive verb
To mutter in discontent

Synonyms: beef, bellyache, bitch, bleat, carp, caterwaul, crab, croak, fuss, gripe, grizzle, grouch, grouse, growl, complain, grump, holler, inveigh, keen, kick, kvetch, moan, murmur, mutter, nag, repine, scream, squawk, squeal, wail, whimper, whine, yammer, yawp, yowl.

You'd think we would learn from the Israelites. After 430 years of brutal slavery in Egypt, they were finally delivered. Exodus 15 tells us that Moses lead the people of Israel through the Red Sea into the desert of Shur. The mighty Egyptians drowned. Moses & the Israelites sang a song of praise to God. And after three days in the wilderness, what did they do? Drum roll please ...

Exodus 15:24 "So the people grumbled..."

It would be easy to sit and judge. But truth be told, if I were in their sandals, I'd probably have done the same thing, perhaps even sooner. This pack is killing my back. I have to go to the bathroom. I'm thirsty. She's annoying me. When's the next rest stop? When life gets hard, and pressures come, our gut response is to complain. The problem is that griping accomplishes nothing. In fact, our negativity only makes things worse.

What amazes me is that time and again, God provided for those grumbling Israelites. More amazing is that, although I don't deserve it, he provides for my pitiful grumbling self as well. Paul says in 1 Corinthians that "our forefathers ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them..."

God was not pleased. That's the rub. Paul warns us to learn from the Israelites' mistakes. He lists three sins NOT to commit: practicing idolatry, sexual immorality, grumbling (1 Cor 10:5). Just in case anyone wants to minimize the sin of whining, it's pretty clear. So how do we stop? Well, Paul concludes that passage by assuring us that God will not give us more than we can handle. When we are tempted, He will provide a way out.

Today I will look at what is occupying my attention. Am I grateful for what God has given me? Or am I only focused on what I don't have? What difficulties I face? What people are currently annoying me? Today I will choose to turn my gaze upward and meditate on God's promises. I will thank him for what he has done, and for what he will do in my life in the next 24 hours. When I am tempted to grumble, I will stop & ask for his help.

Psalm 73:23 says "Yet, I am always with you, you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel and afterward you will take me into glory."